Pattern Tester Application.

Have you ever tested a crochet pattern before?

Do you want to?

Pattern testing is no joke! Each designer expects something different and run their tests in many different formats. Personally, I have tried many different ways of running my pattern tests and honestly none have given me the results I was looking for. I have a few amazing testers that I love, but the testing process has always felt a bit clunky to me. This is why I am changing yet again how I do it! Keep reading, I think you will like this change too!

It’s no secret if you have been around for a while that I haven’t had many patterns tested lately, partly due to timing, partly due to process. I have been relying heavily on my Tech Editor, but I keep feeling like something is missing! Having a pattern tested isn’t just about giving your design to someone, them making it and then sending you notes. Pattern Testing, just like Tech Editing, is a relationship. It’s supposed to be fun and I believe it should be satisfying!

When I choose testers for a pattern, I want a range of skills and experience. Just because a pattern is more difficult, doesn’t mean I only want an Experienced Crocheter. I want, and am willing, to have a Beginner Crocheter to take on a more difficult pattern, you’re going to see things that I won’t! The same goes for a simple pattern, I would love someone who is more advanced to test. As simple as it may be, you might notice something that can be done better because of your experience!

So, now it’s time to try something new!

I am creating a Pattern Tester Email List. What that means is you can read my Testing Expectations below and if you agree to meet them you can fill out the application! I will review your answers and if I feel that you are a good fit (remember, this is a relationship) then I will add you to the Life and Yarn Pattern Tester Email List!

Being added to the Life and Yarn Pattern Tester Email List means you will get an email whenever I have a new testing opportunity available. You will receive all the Information on the available pattern test, and if it works for you just apply to that test! You will be notified only if you have been added to the email list.

To be a pattern tester you are expected to :

-Be able to swatch and test for gauge. This is extremely important, you must swatch for every pattern. The majority of pattern issues I get emails about end up going back to gauge. Although some items gauge is not crucial, for testing it is! You must be able to give me accurate yardage and if your gauge is off, your yardages will be off!

-Get notes back by specified deadline. If you miss a deadline you will be removed from my Testing List. If you have an issue arise that will affect you meeting a deadline, PLEASE, just shoot me an email and let me know, things happen and that is ok! If you inform me of an issue that will affect you completing a test I will NOT remove you from the Testing List.

-Check math and confirm stitch counts. Please keep count as you work, if something is off it very well may be the pattern, so please let me know!

-Give meaningful notes. I very rarely have error-free patterns, even when it has been tech edited. Something as simple as noting an odd space or formatting is extremely helpful!

-Check for spelling, grammar and punctuation. This is not my strong point, please point out errors you notice.

-QUALITY photos. I cannot stress this enough. Natural light, flat lays, and on a person. This is why I ask for your Instagram, to see your photos. Follower count is NOT taken into account for accepting your application.

-Be willing to share and promote patterns. Pattern promotion is a huge deal for designs. While not required, it is a huge help to get the pattern in front of more people, plus I want to re-share your work as well!

-Understand when a pattern is “secret” it must not be shared until a specified date. Sometimes I have patterns that I cannot share, I will let you know when it is one of those. I will also give specific instructions for sharing for each specific test.

If you understand and agree, please continue below to fill out the application! By filling out the application below, if you are a good fit and selected, you are agreeing to all of the above information! You will be notified once added to the Life and Yarn Pattern Tester Email List your application is accepted.

Thank You!

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